Game Overviews: 20 Worst Games of 2023


Games Metascore
Flashback 2 36
Greyhill Incident 38
The Lord of the Rings – Gollum 34
Quantum Error 40
Testament: The Order of High-Human 41
Gargoyles Remastered 58
Loop8: Summer of Gods 49
Crime Boss: Rockay City 52
Unholy 52
Xuan-Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains 52
Custom Mech Wars 53
Ravenbound 54
Colossal Cave 54
Nadir: A Grimdark Deck Builder 55
The Settlers: New Allies 55
Gangs of Sherwood 48
Redfall 56
Everybody 1-2-Switch! 56
Farming Simulator 23 56
Mighty DOOM 56

The gaming landscape of 2023 unfolded with high expectations and anticipation. As enthusiasts eagerly awaited groundbreaking titles, the reality, unfortunately, didn’t align with the excitement. In this blog, we will delve into the downside of the gaming world, shedding light on the year’s most disappointing releases.

With innovation at the forefront, gamers anticipated exceptional experiences, yet the reality was far from the envisioned utopia. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the pitfalls and letdowns encountered in the gaming industry throughout the year.

As we navigate through the highs and lows of 2023, our focus shifts to the darker side—the top 20 worst games that failed to meet expectations. Each critique is an exploration of the flaws and missteps that made these titles stand out, not for their excellence, but for their shortcomings. Join us in uncovering the truth behind the meta scores and the reasons these games fell short in the eyes of both critics and players.

Flashback 2

Flashback 2

Flashback 2 entered the gaming scene with high hopes but quickly spiraled into disappointment. The game’s narrative proved to be a mere surface-level experience, lacking depth and engagement. Coupled with this, the mechanics and combat were not just subpar; they were frustrating, leaving players grappling with a clunky and unresponsive system.

One of the most glaring issues was the absence of weapon upgrades, a fundamental aspect of any immersive gaming experience. Players found themselves stuck with a static arsenal, unable to evolve and adapt as the challenges intensified. The frustration reached its peak with the game’s tendency to crash frequently, disrupting the already tenuous flow of gameplay.

In summary, Flashback 2 stands as a testament to how even promising concepts can crumble under the weight of poor execution. The combination of a shallow storyline, frustrating mechanics, and technical glitches culminated in an overall gaming experience that can only be described as terrible. Join us as we unravel more tales of disappointment in the next sections, each shedding light on the gaming industry’s lows in 2023.

Meta Score: 36

Greyhill Incident

Greyhill Incident

The Greyhill Incident, nestled in the realm of indie horror, held the promise of delivering a unique and chilling experience. However, this potential was overshadowed by the game’s Achilles’ heel – its janky gameplay. Despite the visual allure and atmospheric design, players found themselves immersed in a painful walking simulator, a far cry from the greatness an indie horror game could achieve.

While the aesthetics of Greyhill Incident are commendable, it serves as a painful reminder of unfulfilled potential. The beauty of the game could not salvage it from becoming, at best, a cumbersome walking experience and, at worst, a tedious chore for players. In the world of gaming, where opportunities for standout indie horror games are cherished, the Greyhill Incident’s missteps become even more pronounced.

Join us in the upcoming sections as we dissect more gaming disappointments, each revealing the intricacies that led to their descent into mediocrity. The journey through the year’s worst games continues, shedding light on the misfortunes that befell the gaming industry in 2023.

Meta Score: 38

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The Lord of the Rings – Gollum

The Lord of the Rings - Gollum

In the realm of fantasy gaming, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum set out to offer a unique blend of stealth, action, and platform adventure. However, the game fell short of expectations, revealing significant gaps in its execution. While the initial promise of interesting ideas was present, the lack of follow-through left players yearning for more.

The narrative, a crucial element in any Lord of the Rings adaptation, suffered from substantial gaps and inconsistencies. Players found themselves navigating a world where the storyline struggled to find cohesion, affecting the overall immersion. The same lack of cohesion echoed in the gameplay, technical aspects, and aesthetic presentation, leaving the game feeling fragmented and incomplete.

In the evaluation of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, the verdict is clear – a classic structure marred by noticeable deficiencies. The potential for a captivating journey through Middle-earth was present but remained unfulfilled, resulting in a gaming experience that lacked the substance expected from such an iconic franchise. Join us as we delve into more critiques, uncovering the pitfalls that plagued the gaming industry in 2023.

Meta Score: 34

Quantum Error

Quantum Error

Quantum Error, despite the ambitions of a small development team, failed to carve a niche in the gaming landscape. A critical examination of every aspect of the game reveals a notable absence of standout features. The game, unfortunately, lacks any elements that shine, leaving players without a compelling reason to engage with it.

The ambitious ideas that Quantum Error sought to bring to life turned out to be more of a burden than a boon. The lackluster execution of these ideas became evident in various facets of the game. From the combat system, which failed to provide an enjoyable experience, to the incoherent story that left players scratching their heads, Quantum Error struggled to find its footing.

In the gaming world, where competition is fierce and players have a plethora of options, Quantum Error falls short of earning a recommendation. The combination of bad combat, a narrative lacking coherence, and a design that feels clumsy creates an amalgamation of disappointment. As we navigate through the worst games of 2023, Quantum Error stands as a stark example of the challenges faced by smaller development teams in delivering a polished gaming experience. Join us as we explore more titles that missed the mark in the next sections.

Meta Score: 40

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Testament: The Order of High-Human

In the expansive realm of fantasy adventure RPGs, Testament: The Order of High-Human emerges as a prime example of quantity over quality. The game, unfortunately, leans heavily into a tedious narrative that lacks both depth and engagement. As players traverse through the fantastical world, they find themselves entangled in a web of a bland and confusing story that does little to captivate the imagination.

The combat, a cornerstone of any RPG experience, proves to be a major letdown. Far from the seamless and engaging battles expected, players are met with a combat system that is not just subpar but reaches the depths of being god-awful. The lack of finesse in the combat mechanics adds to the overall frustration, turning what should be an enjoyable experience into an agonizing ordeal.

To compound the disappointment, Testament: The Order of High-Human grapples with technical issues, further hindering any potential for redemption. The all-star roster of problems, including glitches and performance hiccups, transforms an already agonizing experience into a test of patience.

As we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, Testament: The Order of High-Human serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the perils that befall games when quantity overshadows the pursuit of a quality gaming experience. Join us in the subsequent sections as we unravel more gaming missteps that left players yearning for a more refined and engaging adventure.

Meta Score: 41

Gargoyles Remastered

Gargoyles Remastered, a nostalgic revisit to the original, left fans yearning for the authentic experience. Despite the initial excitement of playing a classic on modern systems, the remaster fell short, revealing itself as a disappointing time for both veterans and newcomers.

The attempt to modernize visuals, while appreciated, resulted in aesthetic and control issues that undermined the very essence of the original. The rough and ready feel of the remaster failed to capture the charm of the original, leaving players questioning the necessity of the revisit.

The addition of a quick rewind feature, aimed at mitigating some of the original game’s design choices, inadvertently highlighted the remaster’s shortcomings. Modern visuals, intended to enhance the experience, instead introduced extra lag and imprecision to the controls, diminishing the overall quality of gameplay.

In the exploration of Gargoyles Remastered, we witness a delicate balance between honoring the past and embracing the present. Join us in the upcoming sections as we uncover more tales of disappointment, each shedding light on the challenges faced by remasters attempting to bridge the gap between eras.

Meta Score: 58

Loop8: Summer of Gods

Loop8: Summer of Gods

Loop8: Summer of Gods, an ambitious endeavor to capture the intricacies of the human experience, unfortunately falls short of its lofty goals. The game introduces a multitude of ambitious subsystems, each seemingly designed to reflect various facets of our everyday lives. However, the execution of these ideas lacks the depth and development needed to make a meaningful impact on the overall gaming experience.

The result is a shallow and disjointed journey that fails to resonate with players seeking a profound connection. Despite the grand aspirations, virtually none of the introduced ideas leave a lasting impression. The game, rather than mirroring the nuanced experiences of our lives, resembles more the confined existence of aquarium fish – a series of disconnected and undeveloped elements lacking the cohesion needed to create an immersive and engaging narrative.

As we dissect the missteps in Loop8: Summer of Gods, we unravel the challenges faced when ambition outstrips execution. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, shedding light on the pitfalls encountered by games attempting to capture the complexity of the human experience.

Meta Score: 49

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Crime Boss: Rockay City

Crime Boss: Rockay City, driven by ambitious aspirations, falters in its attempt to deliver an engaging gaming experience. The gameplay, marred by an overwhelming sense of ambition, fails to translate into a polished and enjoyable moment-to-moment experience. Instead of seamlessly immersing players in the criminal underworld, the game introduces a slew of challenges, making the overall journey feel overly convoluted and frustrating.

The moment-to-moment gameplay suffers from a noticeable lack of polish, disrupting the flow that is essential for an immersive experience. The intended thrill of navigating the underworld is overshadowed by the game’s tendency to feel sloppy and disjointed, leaving players grappling with a sense of dissatisfaction.

Adding to the disappointment is the abysmal quality of voice acting, a crucial element in a narrative-driven game. Rather than enhancing the storytelling, the voice acting becomes a jarring element, further detracting from the intended immersion. As we scrutinize Crime Boss: Rockay City, we uncover the challenges faced when ambition overshadows the need for a refined and cohesive gaming experience. Join us in the upcoming sections as we unravel more tales of gaming missteps, each shedding light on the delicate balance required to bring ambitious concepts to fruition.

Meta Score: 52


Unholy, with its sinister underworld setting rich in environmental detail, teases the potential for a gripping horror narrative. However, the game ultimately falls short in delivering a truly captivating experience. The initial intrigue of exploring a cult-ruled realm quickly unravels into a repetitive slog, leaving players ensnared in the shoes of an unlikable lead character.

The horror elements, crucial for a game of this genre, fail to leave a lasting impression. Unholy struggles to strike the right balance, never reaching the level of intensity needed for a genuinely scary experience. The controls, unfortunately, contribute to the game’s overall unwieldiness, hindering the potential for a satisfying stealth experience.

While Unholy manages to avoid being outright unplayable, it remains firmly lodged in uninspired territory. The lack of innovation and the repetitive nature of the gameplay make it unlikely to hold the interest of players all the way to its completion. In our exploration of Unholy, we uncover the challenges faced when attempting to create an engaging horror narrative, with each misstep highlighting the delicate balance required for a successful foray into the cult-ruled realms of gaming. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue to unravel more tales of gaming missteps in 2023, each providing insights into the challenges faced by developers when crafting horror experiences.

Meta Score: 52

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains, while holding the potential to become a truly great experience, is marred by its current state as an unoptimized mess. The gameplay suffers from a lack of balance and scaling, with the potential for improvement overshadowed by glaring issues that impede the overall enjoyment.

One aspect where the game shows promise is its unique presentation. The potential for greatness lies within the distinctive style and presentation that could elevate the gaming experience. However, the translation and mechanics, crucial elements in any narrative-driven game, require a comprehensive reconstruction from the ground up.

In our examination of Xuan-Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains, we uncover the delicate equilibrium between potential and execution. The unique presentation stands as a beacon of hope, but the need for a complete overhaul in translation and mechanics underscores the challenges faced by developers in delivering a truly exceptional gaming experience. Join us in the upcoming sections as we continue to unravel more tales of gaming missteps, each shedding light on the intricate balance required for games to reach their full potential.

Meta Score: 52

Custom Mech Wars

Custom Mech Wars, with the promise of a multiplayer component upon final release, may offer a unique experience for a specific subset of players. However, as a single-player endeavor, it struggles to justify the time invested. The lack of overall polish becomes evident, hindering the gaming experience for those seeking a complete and engaging solo adventure.

While the potential for multiplayer may attract a particular audience, the single-player mode falls short in delivering the necessary polish and refined gameplay elements. The absence of these crucial components leaves players grappling with an experience that feels incomplete and lacks the depth needed to compete in the ever-evolving landscape of gaming.

As we dissect Custom Mech Wars, we uncover the challenges faced by developers in catering to diverse player preferences. The promise of a compelling multiplayer experience hints at potential redemption, but the current shortcomings in the single-player mode highlight the intricate balance required for a game to resonate with a broader audience. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, each providing insights into the delicate nuances that determine a game’s success or failure.

Meta Score: 53


Ravenbound, despite the potential for an enjoyable experience, grapples with execution issues that hinder its overall appeal. While the game does offer moments of fun when it works as intended, the overall execution falls short of expectations, leaving players navigating a landscape marred by frustrations.

One of the glaring flaws lies in the lack of missions and explorations, elements that are foundational for a captivating roguelite experience. The absence of these key components leaves players yearning for more content and depth, turning what could have been an engaging adventure into a somewhat hollow gaming experience.

Compounding the disappointment are the frustrating bugs that further detract from the overall enjoyment. These issues, ranging from minor inconveniences to more significant impediments, disrupt the intended flow of the game, making it challenging for players to fully immerse themselves in the world of Ravenbound.

As we explore the pitfalls encountered by Ravenbound, we gain insights into the challenges faced by developers in delivering a seamless and captivating roguelite experience. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our journey through the worst games of 2023, each revealing the intricacies that contribute to the success or downfall of a gaming title.

Meta Score: 54

Colossal Cave

Colossal Cave, billed as an adventure, proves to be anything but as players navigate a landscape fraught with disaster. The puzzles, designed to challenge and engage, instead frustrate players with their lack of coherence and enjoyment. What should have been a journey filled with intriguing challenges devolves into an exercise in aggravation.

Adding to the disappointment are the graphics, a critical component in any modern gaming experience. Instead of complementing the gameplay, the visuals contribute to the overall disaster. The lack of aesthetic appeal and attention to detail leaves players questioning the decision-making behind the design choices, further hindering the potential for immersion.

The inconsistency in both story and world-building compounds the issues faced by Colossal Cave. A lack of a cohesive narrative and a world that fails to provide a consistent and engaging backdrop make the overall gaming experience feel disjointed and lacking in substance.

As we delve into the missteps of Colossal Cave, we uncover the challenges faced when crafting an adventure that seamlessly integrates puzzles, graphics, and narrative. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue to unravel more tales of gaming missteps in 2023, each providing insights into the delicate balance required for games to achieve success.

Meta Score: 54

Nadir: A Grimdark Deck Builder

Nadir: A Grimdark Deck Builder

Nadir: A Grimdark Deck Builder, positioned as a slow and difficult roguelike deckbuilding experience, caters to a niche audience. However, the game’s appeal is hindered by its failure to deliver genuine fun and interest for a broader player base.

The intentional design choice of a slow-paced and challenging romp through a grimdark landscape may find favor with a particular subset of players. Yet, for those seeking a game that is not only challenging but also inherently enjoyable and interesting, Nadir falls short of the mark.

The delicate balance between difficulty and entertainment proves elusive, leaving players grappling with a game that, while serving its intended purpose, fails to transcend its niche appeal. As we explore the nuances of Nadir, we gain insights into the challenges faced when crafting games that cater to specific tastes without compromising the broader appeal that defines a successful gaming experience. Join us in the upcoming sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, each shedding light on the intricate balance required for games to resonate with diverse player preferences.

Meta Score: 55

The Settlers: New Allies

The Settlers: New Allies, as the latest addition to a beloved franchise, carried with it the anticipation of exciting updates and formula explorations. However, the reality fell short of these expectations, leaving players with a game that lacked innovation and failed to breathe new life into the established formula.

One of the major letdowns was the buggy quality of the game at the time of review. Instead of a seamless and immersive experience, players encountered technical issues that disrupted the intended flow. The presence of these bugs became a significant detractor, hindering any potential enjoyment that could have been derived from the game.

Adding to the disappointment was the narrative, which failed to provide the engaging storyline expected from a franchise with such a storied history. The flat narrative left players yearning for a more compelling and immersive storytelling experience, further contributing to the overall dissatisfaction.

As we scrutinize The Settlers: New Allies, we gain insights into the challenges faced by developers in revitalizing a long-standing franchise. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our journey through the worst games of 2023, each revealing the delicate nuances that determine a game’s success or failure in the dynamic landscape of the gaming industry.

Meta Score: 55

Gangs of Sherwood

Gangs of Sherwood ventured into the challenging territory of merging Warhammer: Vermintide with a classic beat ’em-up, aiming to deliver an enthralling cooperative experience. However, the attempt fell short, and players found themselves grappling with a flawed execution that hindered the game’s overall enjoyability.

The combat, a critical aspect of any beat ’em-up, proved to be both simplistic and repetitive, lacking the depth needed to engage players over the long haul. Even in the cooperative setting, the combat failed to capture the excitement anticipated from a game attempting to merge the elements of Warhammer: Vermintide with the beat ’em-up genre.

As we dissect Gangs of Sherwood, we uncover the challenges faced when blending distinct gaming elements to create a cohesive and enjoyable experience. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, each shedding light on the intricacies that contribute to a game’s triumph or downfall in the ever-evolving landscape of the gaming industry.

Meta Score: 48


Redfall emerges as a notable stain on the Xbox Series X|S representation, creating a ripple effect that negatively impacts the reputations of major players in the gaming industry – Microsoft, Bethesda, and Arkane. The game, characterized as a broken mess, fails to live up to the standards expected from such esteemed entities.

The representation of Redfall on the Xbox Series X|S becomes a critical touchpoint, especially given the anticipation surrounding titles from industry giants like Microsoft and Bethesda. However, the reality falls far short of expectations, leaving players with a subpar experience that tarnishes the reputation of the gaming platform and the associated development studios.

As we delve into the pitfalls of Redfall, we gain insights into the far-reaching consequences of a game that fails to meet the expectations set by major players in the industry. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, each shedding light on the intricacies that contribute to the success or downfall of a gaming title and its impact on the broader gaming ecosystem.

Meta Score: 56

Everybody 1-2-Switch!

Everybody 1-2-Switch!

Everybody 1-2-Switch! enters the gaming scene with aspirations of being a go-to title for social gatherings, promising an array of engaging minigames. However, the reality proves to be a tedious journey through a limited and uninspired catalog of activities, resulting in a significant roadblock for party entertainment.

The minigames, designed to be the lifeblood of the experience, fall flat with their lack of originality and poor design choices. Instead of offering a diverse and entertaining selection, players are met with a disappointingly limited array of options that struggle to hold the attention of a party for more than a fleeting moment.

As we scrutinize Everybody 1-2-Switch!, we gain insights into the challenges faced when attempting to create a party game that strikes the delicate balance between variety and quality. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, each shedding light on the intricacies that define a game’s success or failure in the realm of social and party entertainment.

Meta Score: 56

Farming Simulator 23

Farming Simulator 23, while holding appeal for its dedicated fan base, falls short of welcoming newcomers into its immersive world of agriculture. The game’s attempt to guide players through the intricacies of farming becomes a source of confusion, with tutorials and guides lacking the clarity needed for those new to the experience.

The scaled-back features, while catering to core fans of the franchise, prove to be a significant drawback for newcomers seeking a comprehensive and engaging farming simulation. The absence of content and guidance leaves new players grappling with a sense of confusion and an inability to navigate the virtual agricultural landscape effectively.

As we analyze Farming Simulator 23, we uncover the challenges faced when attempting to strike a balance between catering to a dedicated fan base and providing an accessible entry point for newcomers. Join us in the subsequent sections as we continue our exploration of the worst games of 2023, each shedding light on the delicate nuances that define a game’s success or failure in bridging the gap between experienced players and those venturing into a virtual farming realm for the first time.

Meta Score: 56

Mighty DOOM

Mighty DOOM, positioned within a renowned series, emerges as a regrettable stain on its otherwise esteemed reputation. The game not only fails to live up to the standards set by its predecessors but also serves as a stark reminder of the challenges prevalent in the mobile gaming market.

In the attempt to transition a beloved series to the mobile platform, Mighty DOOM inadvertently becomes a symbol of the difficulties faced in maintaining the essence of a series while adapting to the distinct nature of mobile gaming. The challenges encountered highlight the risks associated with mobile endeavors and underscore the need for a careful balance between retaining the core identity of a series and accommodating the unique demands of the mobile market.

As we dissect the missteps of Mighty DOOM, we gain insights into the complexities of navigating the mobile gaming landscape.

Meta Score: 56

In Crux

In recapitulating the common issues plaguing the worst games of 2023, a disheartening pattern emerges. These titles, each grappling with their unique challenges, collectively highlight the pitfalls that developers must navigate in the dynamic landscape of the gaming industry.

From lackluster narratives to subpar gameplay mechanics, the worst games share a thread of shortcomings that hinder their potential for success. Shallow storytelling, frustrating combat experiences, and technical hiccups serve as recurring motifs, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach in game development.

As we reflect on the state of the gaming industry in 2023, it’s evident that ambition alone cannot carry a game to greatness. The delicate balance between innovation and execution remains a formidable challenge, with many titles falling short of striking that equilibrium.

In these final thoughts, we acknowledge the resilience of the gaming industry, ever-evolving and learning from its missteps. The disappointments of 2023 should serve as a catalyst for introspection and improvement, pushing developers to refine their craft and deliver experiences that captivate players and stand the test of time.

The journey through the worst games of 2023 unveils not only the challenges but also the potential for growth and innovation. As the industry marches forward, we anticipate a renewed commitment to quality and a reinvigorated spirit of creativity that will shape the future of gaming.


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